OM-tastic Chai Cake
1 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/2 cup unbleached white flour
1 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
6 chai tea bags
1 cup water
1 cup soy milk
1/2 cup safflower oil
3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place water in a small saucepan on medium high heat until water begins to steam but does not boil. Place 3 teabags and stir constantly with a spatula. Regularly squish the teabags onto the wall of the saucepan to get more flavor out. Do this for about 5 minutes. Keep 1/2 cup of the mixture and set the remaining liquid aside. Discard teabags.
Combine the 1/2 cup of chai tea with the soy milk in the saucepan and add remaining tea bags. Repeat the earlier pocedure (stir, squish) for another 5 minutes. Once you're done you should have a very concentrated chai tea latte. Mesure out the liquid; you should have 1 1/2 cups... but you won't. Add the chai tea you put aside earlier to equal 1 1/2 cups.
Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly oil a large muffin pan. I used a jumbo muffin (6 cups) silicone pan. (I have to say... I've converted to the silicone bakeware... it's awesome!!)
Sift dry ingredients and spices together into a large bowl. Wisk together wet ingredients in a seperate bowl until well combined. Of course, add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients making sure they're very well combined without overmixing.
Glob the delicious chai batter into the muffin cups and bake for 20-25 minutes until the muffins/cupcakes pass the glorified knife test. Take them out of the oven and allow them to cool before you pop them out.
Chef's notes : Depending how much batter you put in the cups you'll either end up with chai muffins or chai cupcakes. You could also just bake this in a normal cake pan and it would turn out great I'm sure. I'm just obsessed with making individual small cakes. The recipe also makes a bit more batter than you'd need for a 6 jumbo cup muffin pan but my friend Danika and I had no problems eating the left oven uncooked batter... MMMmmm!!
The Tao of Frosting
You'll notice the last cake is frosted differently than the first two. It's not a lighting trick... there really were two frostings at play here. The reason behind this is that Danika is allergic to seaweed hence cannot have the healthy frosting made with Agar Agar... and obviously I'm avoiding white sugar. So I made her a regular vanilla frosting and used a Pagano-friendly frosting for my cake. I'm such a good friend!
The Good frosting
I found this recipe on Vegan Chef and it was an amazingly great choice for this cake. The flavour marries itself beautifully to the spices in the chai cake. What would I do without the vegan chef!?
Almond cream
3 cups water, divided
1 cup whole almonds
1/4 cup maple syrup
3 T. agar-agar flakes
1/8 t. salt
1/2 t. vanilla
1/8 t. almond extract
[Ben added:
1 tablespoon soy milk
1 tablespoon arrowroot]
In a saucepan, place 2 cups water, and bring to a boil. Add the almonds, boil for 1 minute, remove the pan from the heat, and set aside for 5 minutes. Drain and discard the water. Using your fingers, squeeze the almonds out of their skins and discard the skins.
Transfer the almonds to a food processor and process for 1-2 minutes or until a fine meal. While the machine is running, drizzle in the remaining 1 cup water, and process an additional 1 minute. Line a colander or strainer with a double thickness of cheesecloth (or coffee filters) and pour the almond milk mixture through the cheesecloth to strain.
In a saucepan, combine the almond milk, maple syrup, agar-agar flakes, and salt, and bring to a boil while stirring with a whisk occasionally. Reduce heat to low, simmer for 5 minutes while whisking occasionally, or until the agar-agar flakes are dissolved completely. Whisk in the vanilla and almond extract, and transfer the mixture to a glass container.
Place a piece of waxed paper on top to prevent a skin from forming. Chill until firm, or overnight.
When the mixture is firm, place in the food processor, and process for 1-2 minutes or until light and creamy. Taste and add additional vanilla or almond extract, if desired. [After the vanila extract was added, I added a slurry of 1 tablespoon soy milk and 1 tablespoon arrowroot to the mixture to make this more firm].
The Bad frosting
Who am I kidding? It's AMAZING frosting... if you're not avoiding the white stuff. This recipe came from How it All Vegan which is an amazing cookbook you all should own. I was a hopeless vegan until I stumbled upon this gem... it also taught me the basics of vegan baking.
- 1/4 cup margarine
- 2.25 cups powdered sugar
- 2 tbsp soy milk
- 1 tsp vanilla
In a blender, combine the wet ingredients. While the blender is running, slowly add the powdered sugar. Voila!
Adding some OM to your cake
There are tons of stainless steel stencils on the market so you can powder patterns onto cakes (or even cappuccinos). I own a star shaped one which was used for these cakes. But you don’t need to spend a fortune or feel limited by what’s on the market… you can make your own! You’ll need the following…
1 exacto knife
1 cutting surface (I use a sheet of acrylic)
1 sheet of vellum or mylar
1 printer
1 pattern (you can find the OM pattern I used here)
1 mix of cinnamon/cloves/cardamom
1 good friend
Print out the pattern onto the vellum paper. Using an exacto knife cut out the pattern. You should wear goggles while doing this; the tip of the blade can sometimes snap off and become a deadly projectile). Get a friend with steady hands to hold the pattern over the cake while you lightly and quickly dust the cinnamon mixture over the cake. Voila! You have a really OM looking cake that would make Buddha proud!
Hi, Ben! Welcome to blogging. You have a great spot. I've never seen such beautifully photographed and delicious sounding food! I want to research your pagano diet. I'm a low fat gluten-free vegan, so I understand "gastronomically challenged."
I'm really looking forward to your future posts.
hey Ben,
nice to meet you! i'm new at your blog, even though i'm very busy in these days, i'll try to drop by to see what's new with you! i like your blog!
Hi Ben!! Wow, look how popular you are getting!! Lol!
These cakes look so fancy! I LOVE the powder patterns!! The template you gave is so beautiful. I'd shock people if I showed up with these cakes!! Working with chai tea sounds fun though, so although the recipe looks long, I may venture to try these! They sure look worth it!!
Hey candi... I am getting popular! I totally wasn't expecting for the vegan blog community to warm up to me so quicky. I think it just goes to show how awesome we vegans are!
Seriously though... this cake did not take long to make AT ALL... it's actually super quick. The Almond mousse is time consuming but here's a hint... just get some almond milk and use 1 1/2 cup of it and you'll skip over all the "making the almond milk" steps. Or just skip the mousse altogether and make chai muffins :)
If you try it, I want to see pictures!!! :)
Bilingual Ben !!! LOL (J'avais un pressentiment que tu étais bilingue) ;-) It's an Ottawa thing :)
I CANNOT BELIEVE how incredible these cakes are ! I will definitely be making them ! Sooooo beautiful !
Funny thing : yesterday, I was at Megan Vegan's blog and she was saying that she had bought a silicone pan at Canadian Tire, on sale, half price. My honey was going there on his lunch break and so I told him to look for those pans. So I got my first silicone pan yesterday ! Yooooohooo ! LOL
They didn't have muffins pans though :( I have to visit a few Canadian Tires now LOL
Thank you for this incredible recipe ! Truly beautiful !
I got mine at Loblaws (you know the huge ones they've been building lately...) my silicone muffin pan was only 7.99$... it wasn't even on sale or anything. I want to buy the cookie sheet next time I go do groceries; it's 9.99$.
Thanks again for your nice complements :)
a boy vegan blogger oh my! Welcome!
You are sure off to a great start! yea! Your food looks awesome and you are very witty... I'll be checking back in w/ you soon.
I just found your blog too, and I'm so glad, because those cakes are beyond OM-tastic! So incredibly artistic, and I bet they taste great, too. Definitely going on the (mile-long) "to make" list. Ever since I started blogging, there are just way too many awesome recipes- I either have to make them all and gain 200 pounds or start giving massive amounts of food away...! =)
:) Hi again! I didn't want to be left out, so I bought my first silicone pan this weekend! I got a cupcake/muffin one since we just got "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World." Lol! I hope to get more of these very cool pans!!
oh, I like the almond milk short-cut you posted! Or the chai muffins. :)
these look and sound AMAZING. i am going to have to make some.
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